Cocoa Flavanol Nutrients Help Kidney Disease Patients With End State Renal Disease ESRD Says In Nephrology Study

Results of a study in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology regarding Kidney Disease Patients in End State Renal Disease ESRD were quite promising.  This recent study shows that doctors in Germany looked at two nutrients in cocoa, catechin and epicatechin.  These are in a class called flavanols.  The flavanols are thought to be heart healthy.  The results of the Nephrology study show exciting results for kidney disease patients in End State Renal Disease or with concerns of ESRD.

“Ingestion of cocoa flavanols (CF) can attenuate hemodialysis (HD)-induced and chronic endothelial dysfunction in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and improve vascular function in high-risk patients, according to a new study published online December 17 in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.”

Basically “The doctors concocted a brew with these flavanols and gave it to 26 patients with end-stage renal disease. The drink dramatically improved blood flow and lowered blood pressure in all of the patients within a month, according to the findings”

“A nearly identical placebo drink, that did not contain the catechin and epicatechin flavanols, had no effect on 26 similar patients in the control group. The study was double blinded, meaning neither the researchers nor the patients knew who had received the placebo drink and who had received the drink with the cocoa nutrients.”

The results of this study give hope to Kidney Disease Patients everywhere and to those already on dialysis or awaiting a kidney transplant.  It may even provide results for those with heart disease according to the study.

Cocoa flavanols are plant-derived polyphenols that are present in cocoa. It is important to note that the benefits are not available from traditional chocolate.  “However, the researchers noted that although these compounds are found in cocoa beans, they are largely absent from processed chocolate.”

The key is to avoid processed chocolate.  There is only one unheated high flavanol chocolate that I am aware of, it is called Beyond Healthy Chocolate.

For the study, the group that received the CF and not placebo, received 900 mg of CF per study day.  Beyond Healthy Chocolate Company has a product called Activ.  One fluid ounce of Beyond Healthy Chocolate Activ per day results in 1,892 mg flavonoids, significantly more than in the study.  Although recommended to mix with water to activate the product, it can also be used in powder form as needed even sprinkling on food if necessary.  

Healthy Chocolate Co. recommends 3 ounces per day for a total of 5,676 mg flavonoids.  The total ORAC6 (antioxidant) count is 160,675.

Activ can be ordered direct at  A free Blender Shaker bottle is provided with each Activ Pack which provides 96 1 ounce servings.  This makes it easy to take Activ regardless if you travel or have a busy schedule and are on the go.

When ordering at the above site you will receive free shipping.  You also qualify for customer rewards which will give you free product equal to your monthly order every third month for the first year.

Questions regarding Activ or any of the other Beyond Healthy Chocolate flavanol rich products, please contact Lynette Henk of Three Sons Marketing LLC.  Please be sure to share this with everyone you know suffering with Chronic Kidney Disease or Heart Disease.

We can be reached at:




Cocoa helps kidney patients stave off heart failure, Livescience, by Christopher Wanjek, 12/17/15,

Cocoa Flavanols Linked to Vascular Protection in ESRD, by Sanjeet Bagcchi, MBBS, January 07, 2016,

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The news agencies on this page do not endorse Xoçai and the subject matter of the referenced reports are on the health benefits of dark chocolate and cocoa and not the product Xoçai.

About The Author


Lynette Henk of Three Sons Marketing LLC is an experienced consultant, social media pro and mommy blogger. She gave up the corporate grind working at Fortune 500 GE Capital and Chicago based uBid Online Auction to enjoy the flexibility of working from home while raising her family. Once introduced to beyond healthy chocolate products, and seeing the benefits firsthand with her family, she dedicated herself to sharing these amazing products with the world. Lynette coaches individuals looking to grow a dynamic home based business as a part-time hustle or full-time career.

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Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, Ephesians 3:20

Three Sons Marketing LLC, and, 2022. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  Beyond products are part of a comprehensive approach to a healthy lifestyle.  The content on this blog is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or to replace a relationship with a qualified healthcare professional. 




We are the category creator of Healthy Chocolate.  Our chocolates are not heated like candy chocolate that is dutched at high temperatures for days to get out the bitterness in the chocolates. Our chocolates also don’t have the waxes, fillers and processed sugars you expect to find in regular chocolate.  Try our KETO, kosher, gluten free, low glycemic delicious dark chocolate today. Choose Xobiotic Squares, X Power Squares, Beyond Dark Chocolate protein shake or the Xe TRM Healthy Energy Drink. Used to be known as Xocai, now known as Beyond.